Thursday, April 10, 2008

familyhaze - Through the fog

Welcome to familyhaze!
This is a Blog for fathers and husbands that have no idea what their wives and mothers are doing all day on the Internet posting the families life stories for complete stranger, and even worse: extended family members.

Blogs are where others find out you, and your families are human.
The problem is...nobody is asking you if this stuff should be posted, or not.

Now I know this all makes sense to the male brain, but even that doesn't matter.

What matters is this blog exist, and I can put up anything I want, or put nothing at all up but these intro paragraphs.


Jackie said...

So for the other side of the story, be sure to go to

: )

Julia in CA said...

Oh dear. I'm hiding this blog from Alan, just in case he starts getting IDEAS....

Holly said...

I like the label you gave this one.